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  1. Gear Generator is a tool for creating involute spur gears and download them in SVG format. In addition it let you compose full gear layouts with connetcted gears to design multiple gears system with control of the input/output ratio and rotation speed. Gears can be animated with various speed to demonstrate working mechanism.
  2. Restart your Mac from the Start menu in Windows. Press and hold the Option (or Alt) ⌥ key as your Mac begins to restart. Select your Mac startup volume (Macintosh HD) in the Startup Manager window, then press Return or click the up arrow: How to start up in Windows from macOS.
  3. The clinical course of RAMs can be variable. The majority of RAMs can be observed, and many will spontaneously involute. In a natural-history study, Cathleen McCabe, MD, and colleagues described a series of 41 patients with macular hemorrhages secondary to RAMs managed solely with observation.
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Next: Traditional modeling, the CSG way
  • Discovering FreeCAD
    • Installing
    • The FreeCAD interface
    • Navigating in the 3D view
  • Working with FreeCAD
    • Preparing models for 3D printing
    • Using spreadsheets
  • Python scripting
    • A gentle introduction

One of the biggest difficulties for new users of FreeCAD, is to know in which workbench to find a specific tool. The table below will give you an overview of the most important workbenches and their tools. Refer to each workbench page in the FreeCAD documentation for a more complete list.

Four workbenches are also designed to work in pairs, and one of them is fully included into the other: Arch contains all the Draft tools, and PartDesign all the Sketcher tools. However, for clarity, they are separated below.


The Part Workbench provides basic tools for working with solid parts: primitives, such as cubes and spheres, and simple geometric operations and boolean operations. Being the main anchor point with OpenCasCade, the Part workbench provides the foundation of FreeCAD's geometry system, and almost all other workbenches produce Part-based geometry.

Draws a boxDraws a cone
Draws a cylinderDraws a sphere
Draws a torus (ring)Creates various other parametric geometric primitives
Create more complex shapes from primitivesFuses (unions) two objects
Extracts the common (intersection) part of two objectsCuts (subtracts) one object from another
Connects interiors of walled objectsEmbeds a walled object into another walled object
Creates a cutout in a wall of an object for another walled objectExtrudes planar faces of an object
Fillets (rounds) edges of an objectCreates a solid by revolving another object (not solid) around an axis
Creates a section by intersecting an object with a section planeCreates multiple cross sections along an object
Chamfers edges of an objectMirrors the selected object on a given mirror plane
Create a ruled surface between selected curvesSweeps one or more profiles along a path
Lofts from one profile to anotherCreates a scaled copy of the original object
Assign a thickness to the faces of a shape


The Draft Workbench provides tools to do basic 2D CAD drafting tasks: lines, circles, etc... and a series of generic handy tools such as move, rotate or scale. It also provides several drawing aids, such as grid and snapping. It is principally meant to draw the guidelines for Arch objects, but also serves as FreeCAD's 'swiss knife'.

Draws a line segment between 2 pointsDraws a line made of multiple line segments (polyline)
Draws a circle from center and radiusDraws an arc segment from center, radius, start angle and end angle
Draws an ellipse from two corner pointsDraws a regular polygon from a center and a radius
Draws a rectangle from 2 opposite pointsDraws a multi-line text annotation
Draws a dimension annotationDraws a B-Spline from a series of points
Inserts a single pointThe ShapeString tool inserts a compound shape representing a text string at a given point in the current document
Creates a new object from selected faces on existing objectsDraws a Bezier curve from a series of points
Moves or copies objects from one location to anotherRotates objects by a certain angle around a point
Offsets an object to a certain distanceTrims, extends or extrudes an object
Turns or joins objects into a higher-level objectTurns or separates objects into lower-level objects
Scales objects in relation to a pointCreates a 2D object which is a flattened view of another object
Converts a Draft object to a Sketch and vice-versaCreates a polar or rectangular array from an object
Creates an array from an object by placing copies along a pathCreates linked copies of objects
Mirrors objects across a line

Involute Mac Os Update


The Sketcher Workbench contains tools to build and edit complex 2D objects, called sketches. The geometry inside these sketches can be precisely positioned and relationed by the use of constraints. They are primarily meant to be the building blocks of PartDesign geometry, but are useful everywhere in FreeCAD.

Draws a pointDraws a line segment from 2 points
Draws an arc segment from center, radius, start angle and end angleDraws an arc segment from two endpoints and another point on the circumference
Draws a circle from center and radiusDraws a circle from three points on the circumference
Draws an ellipse by center point, major radius point and minor radius pointDraws an ellipse by major diameter (2 points) and minor radius point
Draws an arc of ellipse by center point, major radius point, starting point and ending pointDraws a line made of multiple line segments. Several drawing modes available
Draws a rectangle from 2 opposite pointsDraws a regular triangle inscribed in a construction geometry circle
Draws a regular square inscribed in a construction geometry circleDraws a regular pentagon inscribed in a construction geometry circle
Draws a regular hexagon inscribed in a construction geometry circleDraws a regular heptagon inscribed in a construction geometry circle
Draws a regular octagon inscribed in a construction geometry circleDraws an oval by selecting the center of one semicircle and an endpoint of the other semicircle
Makes a fillet between two lines joined at one pointTrims a line, circle or arc with respect to a clicked point
Creates an edge linked to external geometryToggles an element to/from construction mode. A construction object will not be used in a 3D geometry operation and is only visible while editing the Sketch that contains it
Affixes a point onto (coincident with) one or more other points.Affixes a point onto another object such as a line, arc, or axis.
Constrains the selected lines or polyline elements to a true vertical orientation. More than one object can be selected before applying this constraint.Constrains the selected lines or polyline elements to a true horizontal orientation. More than one object can be selected before applying this constraint.
Constrains two or more lines parallel to one another.Constrains two lines perpendicular to one another, or constrains a line perpendicular to an arc endpoint.
Creates a tangent constraint between two selected entities, or a co-linear constraint between two line segments.Constrains two selected entities equal to one another. If used on circles or arcs their radii will be set equal.
Constrains two points symmetrically about a line, or constrains the first two selected points symmetrically about a third selected point.Constrains the selected item by setting vertical and horizontal distances relative to the origin, thereby locking the location of that item
Fixes the horizontal distance between two points or line endpoints. If only one item is selected, the distance is set to the origin.Fixes the vertical distance between 2 points or line endpoints. If only one item is selected, the distance is set to the origin.
Defines the distance of a selected line by constraining its length, or defines the distance between two points by constraining the distance between them.Defines the radius of a selected arc or circle by constraining the radius.
Defines the internal angle between two selected lines.Constrains two lines to obey a refraction law to simulate the light going through an interface
Aligns selected elements to selected shape (e.g. a line to become major axis of an ellipse)Maps a sketch to the previously selected face of a solid
Merge two or more sketchesMirrors selected elements of a sketch

Part Design

The Part Design Workbench contains advanced tools to build solid parts. It also contains all the tools from the sketcher. Since it can only produce solid shapes (the rule number one of Part Design), it is the main workbench to use when designing pieces (parts) to be manufactured or 3D-printed, as you will always obtain a printable object.

Extrudes a solid object from a selected sketchCreates a pocket from a selected sketch. The sketch must be mapped to an existing solid object's face
Creates a solid by revolving a sketch around an axisCreates a groove by revolving a sketch around an axis
Fillets (rounds) edges of an objectChamfers edges of an object
Applies angular draft to faces of an objectMirrors features on a plane or face
Creates a linear pattern of featuresCreates a polar pattern of features
Scales features to a different sizeAllows creating a pattern with any combination of the other transformations
Generates a shaft from a table of values and allows to analyze forces and momentsAllows you to create several types of gears


The Arch Workbench contains tools to work with BIM projects (civil engineering and architecture). It also contains all the tools from the Draft workbench. The main use of the Arch Workbench is to create BIM objects or give BIM attributes to objects built with other workbenches, in order to export them to IFC.

Creates a wall from scratch or using a selected object as a baseCreates a structural element from scratch or using a selected object as a base
Creates a reinforcement bar in a selected structural elementCreates a floor including selected objects
Creates a building including selected objectsCreates a site including selected objects
Creates a window using a selected object as a baseAdds a section plane object to the document
Adds an axes system to the documentCreates a sloped roof from a selected face
Creates a space object in the documentCreates a stairs object in the document
Creates a panel object from a selected 2D objectCreates a frame object from a selected layout
Creates an equipment or furniture objectAttributes a material to selected objects
Creates different types of schedulesCut an object according to a plan
Adds objects to a componentSubtracts or removes objects from a component
Enters or leaves surveying mode


Development of the Drawing Workbench stopped in FreeCAD 0.16, and the new TechDraw Workbench aiming to replace it was introduced in v0.17. The Drawing Workbench may be removed in future releases. Use the TechDraw Workbench instead.

The Drawing Workbench handles the creation and manipulation of 2D drawing sheets, used for displaying views of your 3D work in 2D. These sheets can then be exported to 2D applications in SVG or DXF formats, to a PDF file or printed.

Creates a new drawing sheetInserts a view of the selected object in the active drawing sheet
Adds an annotation to the current drawing sheetAdds a clip group to the current drawing sheet
Opens a preview of the current sheet in the browserAutomatically creates orthographic views of an object on the current drawing sheet
Adds the contents of a SVG file as a symbol on the current drawing sheetInserts a special Draft view of the selected object in the current drawing sheet
Saves the current sheet as a SVG file

Other built-in workbenches

Although the above summarizes the most important tools of FreeCAD, many more workbenches are available, among them:

  • The Mesh Workbench allows to work with polygon meshes. Although meshes are not the preferred type of geometry to work with in FreeCAD, because of their lack of precision and support for curves, meshes still have a lot of uses, and are fully supported in FreeCAD. The Mesh Workbench also offers a number of Part-to-Mesh and Mesh-to-Part tools.
  • The Raytracing Workbench offers tools to interface with external renderers such as povray or luxrender. Right from inside FreeCAD, this workbench allows you to produce high-quality renderings from your models.
  • The Spreadsheet Workbench permits the creation and manipulation of spreadsheet data, that can be extracted from FreeCAD models. Spreadsheet cells can also be referenced in many areas of FreeCAD, allowing to use them as master data structures.
  • The FEM Workbench deals with Finite Elements Analysis, and permits the performing of pre- and post-processing FEM calculations and to display the results graphically.

External workbenches

A number of other very useful workbenches produced by FreeCAD community members also exist. Although they are not included in a standard FreeCAD installation,they are easy to install as plug-ins. They are all referenced in the FreeCAD-addons repository. Among the most developed are:

  • The Drawing Dimensioning Workbench offers many new tools to work directly on Drawing Sheets and allow you to add dimensions, annotations and other technical symbols with great control over their aspect. The Drawing Dimensioning Workbench is no longer maintained.
  • The Fasteners Workbench offers a wide range of ready-to-insert fasteners objects like screws, bolts, rods, washers and nuts. Many options and settings are available.
  • The A2plus workbench offers a series of tools to mount and work with assemblies.

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Next: Traditional modeling, the CSG way

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